What is Hockey Recon?

Hockey Recon. For some it likely calls to mind visions of camo jerseys and black striped faces slowly rising from a steaming river at grey dawn, giving hand signals, then creeping stealthily out, hockey sticks at port arms, stumbling as they try to navigate vine strewn jungle paths on hockey skates. 

For others, Hockey Recon feels like a filthy homeless drunk halfway through his fifth sterno and vanilla extract cocktail trying to impress you with his sharp wit but only managing to croak out hideous moans and glottal stops from his ruined throat.

Or if you prefer, Hockey Recon might be a jack booted blond winger in a military cut jersey, standing before a backlit NHL flag, wild eyed fanaticism and jaw snapping fervor evident with each ragged breath, raising his stick high and screaming "En Aichell Uber Alles!!!

Whichever explanation you prefer, Hockey Recon is soon to be your one stop Hockey blogging chop shop.... you know, unless your a big Puck Daddy fan. (We are too, the point is no one is bigger than Wyshynski.)

Welcome and watch your back. 

cred: The Magnificent Michael "Mchi" Chiconsky.